Na seznam člankovDavid Sedej wins the first place at Tirnavia Ice Cup
David Sedej je pretekli konec tedna znova dokazal svoj izjemni talent na mednarodnem drsalnem tekmovanju Tirnavia Ice Cup, ki je potekalo na Slovaškem. V mladinski konkurenci je navdušil z vrhunskim nastopom ter s trdim delom in predanostjo osvojil odlično 1.mesto! Ta izjemen dosežek mu je prinesel ne le zlato medaljo, ampak tudi novih 100 točk na mladinski lestvici, kar je bil eden izmed njegovih glavnih ciljev na tem tekmovanju. Davidova uspešna sezona se nadaljuje s tem izjemnim rezultatom, ki potrjuje njegovo vztrajnost, nadarjenost in močno motivacijo za napredovanje.
This past weekend, David Sedej once again demonstrated his incredible talent and dedication at the international skating competition Tirnavia Ice Cup in Slovakia. Competing in the junior category, he delivered an outstanding performance, securing an impressive 1st place through hard work and commitment! This remarkable achievement earned him the gold medal and an additional 100 points on the junior ranking, one of his main goals for this competition. David’s successful season continues with this outstanding result, highlighting his perseverance, talent, and strong motivation to improve.